Sunday, May 25, 2014

Heading Home - May 25

Today we take the TGV To Paris, stay by the airport and catch a morning flight home. Great trip, great friends, and great experiences. Thanks to all who helped us in our planning and to those who were a part of our experiences. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Clos des Papes

A highly recommended winery is Clos Des Papes by Paul Avril. A walled tract of grape vines were located just below the Papal summer ruins so we documented it with these pictures. Then we headed back to Avignon for a final dinner and night. 

Pope's Summer Residence

Also located in Châteauneuf de Pape is the remnants of the summer home of the Pope when the Papacy was in Avignon. It is located on the highest spot in the area overlooking the village and the vineyards. We ran into a few of my buddies on a day bike trip. For lunch we sat in one of the windows of the summer home.

Châteaunuef du Pape - May 24

On our last day before turning our attention to
heading home, we visited the town of Chateauneuf du Pape situated about a 1/2 hour north of
Avignon. We walked the town, tasted a bit and enjoyed the small village ambiance. We each bought a bottle with it's embossing in the glass of each bottle. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Our Evening Dining

The dining experience in Avigon has been delightful. Of course it all starts with good friends together leading to good conversation. The restaurants have been varied, small and delightful. Last night it was the Restaurant 26.  The plate is the chef's recommended appetizer of scallops and beets with a carmelized glaze and a basil sauce on the side.

Continuation of Our Day

The Church of Saint Pierre and the back of the Palais des Papes as we split up to pursue our individual interests. 

A Peaceful Day In Avignon - May 23

Today we stayed in Avignon enjoying the city. An early walk led to an exploration of the perimeter walls, entry gates and University d'Avignon. Almost got trampled by all the grade school and high school kids heading to class at the last minute. Next the 4 of us joined forces and our day consisted of café crème on Place Pie, visits to several museums and churches with 2 wine, cheese and baguette breaks for lunch and afternoon break and a bit of strolling and shopping.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Road Trip PM - Nimes

Next onto Nimes, another 30 minutes away, for a quick fly by of  the Aréna and Maison Carée, a Roman temple in the old section of the city. If you want to know more, please look it up on line as we are getting a bit ruined out and not soaking up as much detail.

At this time I must make mention of Yvette, our constant companion on the road who is regularly getting us into and out of trouble innumerable times. I would include a picture but she is a bit shy and would not present herself for a portrait. Although a bit shy, she has no problem blurting out "MAKE A U TURN AT THE NEXT SOONEST OPPORTUNITY" in a somewhat stern voice at appropriate times.  In spite of this we are grateful for her undying loyalty. 

Road Trip -May 22

After a relaxing yesterday enjoying Avignon, today we are on the road. Our first mission was a tasting of local wines in Saze on the way to Pont de Gard. However that part of our plan went awry when the vintner had to attend to a few issues at his winery.  So we continued to our next destination of Pont du Gard, only 30 minutes away. It is a three tiered aqueduct built by the Romans which allowed them to supply water some 50 km away. We climbed to the top, walked across the complete structure, touched our toes into the river and enjoyed the natural setting. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Our Avignon Neighborhood

The Hotel Garland is located within a patchwork of narrow streets.  Just outside our doors are all the services we could want. The parking garage is about 3 blocks away with one of it's walls being a vertical herb garden. 

Pont Saint-Bénézet

Of course we had to dance on the bridge in Avignon. As the song goes:" Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, On y danse, Sur le pont d'Avignon, On y danse, Tous en rond."

Sites in Avignon - Palais des Papes - May 21

After a rather interesting arrival last evening trying to find our hotel among the narrow one way streets of Avignon, we settled in for a wine stop on the plaza.  Basically you can't get there from here kind of thing. After a quiet dinner at Au Tout Petit where we consumed a main course of kangaroo. Shortly thereafter we were bedded down by 10 pm. 
Today we visited the Palais des Papes, a magnificent structure built by several popes in the 14th century.  It served as the Papal Seat for about 9 popes over 75 years As you can observe the Pope, being of Italian decent, had his own wood fired stone pizza oven. The structure with the gold statue is the Cathedral of Notre Dame next door to the Palais des Papes.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Vienne to Avignon May 20

On the way to Avignon we stopped in Orange to see the  Théâtre antique d'Orange.  A Magnificat restoration of Roman era ruins that are still used today for live performances. Now on to Avignon for the next 5 nights. 

Au Bois de Massier

We spent the night at Au Bois de Massier, a B & B just outside of Vienne.  We spent a nice afternoon and evening resting and regenerating on the patio upon arrival. Pascal and Edward were delightful hosts cooking us a dinner of chicken deboned and stuffed with liver, cheeses  and desert. We were sent off the next morning with the usual wonderful assortment of pastries and bread. Pascal is in the doorway. Highly recommend this to anyone passing through Vienne. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Beaune to Vienne - May 19

Today we drove from Beaune to Vienne, a 2 hour ride. On the   way we visited the village of Fuissé at the southern tip of the Burgundy area. It is one of the villages known for the Pouilly-Fuissé wine appellations. Stopped at the Château Fuissé, a family run winery.  We had a tour and tasting with the daughter and wife of the owners, a delightful and passionate person. After a few purchases, we stopped at the town café for lunch. We are catching on that if you don't do lunch between 11:30 and 1:30, you don't do lunch in the villages.