Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sites in Avignon - Palais des Papes - May 21

After a rather interesting arrival last evening trying to find our hotel among the narrow one way streets of Avignon, we settled in for a wine stop on the plaza.  Basically you can't get there from here kind of thing. After a quiet dinner at Au Tout Petit where we consumed a main course of kangaroo. Shortly thereafter we were bedded down by 10 pm. 
Today we visited the Palais des Papes, a magnificent structure built by several popes in the 14th century.  It served as the Papal Seat for about 9 popes over 75 years As you can observe the Pope, being of Italian decent, had his own wood fired stone pizza oven. The structure with the gold statue is the Cathedral of Notre Dame next door to the Palais des Papes.

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