Thursday, May 22, 2014

Road Trip PM - Nimes

Next onto Nimes, another 30 minutes away, for a quick fly by of  the Aréna and Maison Carée, a Roman temple in the old section of the city. If you want to know more, please look it up on line as we are getting a bit ruined out and not soaking up as much detail.

At this time I must make mention of Yvette, our constant companion on the road who is regularly getting us into and out of trouble innumerable times. I would include a picture but she is a bit shy and would not present herself for a portrait. Although a bit shy, she has no problem blurting out "MAKE A U TURN AT THE NEXT SOONEST OPPORTUNITY" in a somewhat stern voice at appropriate times.  In spite of this we are grateful for her undying loyalty. 

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