Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Morning in Beaune -May 17

Today is all about Beaune. We are up early (some of us that is) and on the move to the Place des Halles for the Saturday market. Early on the streets were nearly empty but soon people were everywhere.  Largest market I have experienced. Fruits and
vegetables, meats, cheeses, candies, olives , breads, rotisserie chickens ( we bought some and ribs for dinner), purses, hats, clothes, antiques, mattresses, pastries and on and on for 4 blocks. During this time we made a side run to La Moutarderie which had a wide selection of mustard flavors. At 10 am the heat and different tastes of the mustard blew our taste buds off the wall for a bit. However we recovered enough to choose a few samples to take with us.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You all make me laugh. I do wonder who was up early. I think I might have a guess...Have fun!!
